In the Past

Capoeira is a vibrant and dynamic martial art that has been around for over 400 years. Rooted in African traditions, it has evolved over time to become a part of Brazil's street culture. Historically, capoeira was a way for people from poor communities to come together and celebrate in parks and farmers markets.

Fight for Freedom

Capoeira emerged from the necessity of slaves to liberate themselves from oppression during a dark chapter in history. With deep roots in Africa, it served as a means to preserve their beliefs, traditions, and rituals, ensuring the survival of their identity amidst forces seeking to erase it.

Capoeira Today

Today, capoeira is a unique blend of martial arts, acrobatics, music, and Brazilian culture. Its playful approach helps students gain confidence and have fun in the process. Capoeira is always played to music, which adds energy and cultural awareness to the class.

Powerful Combination

Capoeira is a martial art like no other. Rather than focusing on direct contact with strikes and blocks, capoeiristas use a unique circular flow to escape from kicks, making the fight – or "game" – look like a dance set to music. But capoeira is not just a fight or a dance; it's so much more

The Game of Capoeira

The game of capoeira is incredibly versatile. It can be slow, requiring body control and trickery, or fast, producing lots of kicks, take-downs, jumps, and acrobatic movements. The combat can be obvious or disguised, theatrical or playful, acrobatic or grounded. Capoeiristas move like animals, using their hands and feet for stability or their legs for a strong base.

Capoeira has a rich ritual that is an essential part of the practice. The ritual includes music, singing, and a circle of people called a "roda" (pronounced "ho-da"). The capoeiristas take turns playing the game in the center of the circle, while the others in the roda sing, clap, and play instruments to create an energetic and supportive atmosphere.

Martial Arts • Dance • Music • Acrobatics

Capoeira Key elements

In the game of capoeira, there are several key elements that make it such a unique and exciting martial art.

  • Martial Arts Elements:

    Capoeira players use a variety of movements to escape from their opponent's kicks, including ducking, spinning, and rolling. They also use a wide range of kicks, such as spinning kicks, sweeps, and straight kicks, to try and take down their opponent. Takedowns are also a common feature of capoeira, with capoeiristas attempting to trip or throw their opponent to the ground.

  • Acrobatics elements:

    Capoeiristas use acrobatic movements both on the ground and in the air, such as cartwheels, flips, and handstands. These movements not only look impressive but can also be used to evade an opponent's attack.

  • Trickery elements:

    "Malandragem" and trickery are also important components of capoeira. Capoeiristas use feints and misdirection to confuse their opponent and create openings for their attacks. They also use malandragem, a term that roughly translates to "street smarts," to outwit their opponent and gain the upper hand.

  • Game Connections:

    In the game of capoeira, there is also a strong emphasis on connection between the players. Sometimes, the game is played as a fight, with each player trying to land kicks or takedowns on their opponent. Other times, it's played as a challenge, with one player calling out another to see who can perform the most impressive movements. And sometimes, the players collaborate, using their movements to create a beautiful and fluid game.

The game of capoeira is not just about physical prowess. It's a conversation, a series of questions and responses, that can be as complex or as simple as the players want it to be.

CAN I realy DO THIS? 

At Evolve Miami Team, we firmly believe that learning Capoeira is achievable with the right guidance, care, and a robust methodology in place. While Capoeira can present challenges due to its diverse disciplines and intricate movements, we see these challenges as opportunities for growth and engagement.

It's essential to approach Capoeira with a positive attitude and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone. With dedication and an open mind, anyone can embark on the journey of learning Capoeira, regardless of their fitness level or prior experience in music or acrobatics.

A supportive environment!

We are committed to providing a supportive environment where students can thrive and develop their skills. Through our structured methodology and experienced instructors who genuinely care about their students' progress, we believe in unlocking the potential within each individual.

Join us at Evolve Miami Team, and discover how Capoeira can enhance not only your fitness but also your musical and language skills, as well as your cultural awareness. You'll be amazed at what you can achieve when you embrace the challenge of Capoeira with enthusiasm and determination.

Exercise for Mental and Physical Health

Exercise isn't just about getting fit; it's a powerful tool for both our bodies and minds. Regular physical activity can help ease feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress, while also lowering the risk of other health issues.

When we exercise, our bodies release feel-good chemicals called neurotransmitters:

  1. Endorphins: Reduce pain and create feelings of euphoria.

  2. Dopamine: Boost motivation and happiness.

  3. Serotonin: Regulate mood and promote calmness.

  4. Norepinephrine: Increase alertness and energy levels.

  5. Endocannabinoids: Enhance relaxation and well-being.

  6. BDNF: Support brain health and cognitive function.

Other Benefits:

In addition to affecting neurotransmitters, exercise also enhances heart health, boosts immunity, regulates blood sugar levels, and improves sleep quality.

In essence, exercise represents a comprehensive approach to both physical and mental well-being, providing a natural alternative to medication. While medical professionals and treatments are essential, integrating regular physical activity into one's routine empowers individuals to proactively manage their health.

Capoeira: A Path to Wellness

Capoeira isn't just a martial art; it's a unique way to improve mental health:

  1. Purposeful Exercise: Combines martial arts, dance, and music for a full-body workout.

  2. Mind-Body Connection: Enhances focus, concentration, and self-awareness.

  3. Community Support: Fosters camaraderie, teamwork, and mutual encouragement.

  4. Creative Expression: Encourages self-confidence and emotional release.

  5. Rhythm and Music: Uplifts mood and energy levels.

  6. Empowerment: Builds resilience, determination, and strength.

  7. Cultural Connection: Connects with Afro-Brazilian heritage and identity.

In summary, Capoeira offers a holistic path to mental and physical wellness, combining exercise, mindfulness, creativity, and community. Whether you seek stress relief or cultural connection, Capoeira provides a unique journey to well-being.

Capoeira's diversity makes suitable for anyone

Regardless of age or fitness level!

Attend a beginner's class:

Once you've found a capoeira group or school, attend a beginner's class. Beginner's classes are usually designed for people with little to no experience in capoeira and focus on teaching the basic movements, techniques, and music of capoeira. It's important to start with the basics and build a solid foundation before moving on to more advanced movements.

What you will learn in your first capoeira class?

>>> Basic Movements

Learn fundamental movements like dodging, kicking, and sweeping.

>>> Acrobatics

Try simple acrobatic movements that complement capoeira sequences.

>>> Music and Rhythms

Discover the music and rhythms of capoeira that set the pace of the practice.

>>> Cultural Traditions

Learn about the history and cultural traditions of capoeira, from its African roots to its evolution into a martial art.

>>> Community and Support

Be welcomed into a supportive and inclusive community of capoeira practitioners who will guide you through your capoeira journey.


  • My Unique Method

    At my capoeira classes, you'll experience a unique and powerful method that I have developed over nearly 30 years of training in Brazil and around the world. With my extensive experience in countries like France, Austria, Israel, Spain, Mexico, and now here, I have honed a method that combines traditional capoeira movements with modern techniques to give you a comprehensive and effective workout. You won't find this level of expertise and individualized attention anywhere else, making my capoeira classes the ultimate experience for those looking to challenge themselves and take their training to the next level.

  • Our School

    Just like different schools of painting have distinct styles, different schools of capoeira reflect various lineages, with some emphasizing martial arts and others featuring acrobatic movements or "floreios." With so many forms of expression within the same art form, capoeira is an exciting and diverse way to explore Brazilian culture and martial arts.

Discover the World of Capoeira with Evolve

Discover the transformative essence of Capoeira, merging martial arts, music, dance, and culture. Our program nurtures your physical, mental, and social abilities in a supportive atmosphere.

Physical Abilities:

Develop body awareness and control, movement flow, coordination, reflexes, endurance, strength, flexibility, mobility, agility, speed, power, and rhythm.

Mental, Social Skills, Ethics, and Values:

Learn self-empowerment, team work, expressing opinions, respect for others and the art, respect for the hierarchy, how to listen and be listened to, patience, humility, and how to fall and stand back up and not quit. Also cultivate creativity, spontaneity, imagination, and confidence.

Cultural Experience:

Immerse yourself in capoeira songs, capoeira instruments, basic music techniques, capoeira philosophy and traditions, capoeira history, basic Portuguese, and Brazilian dances.

Master Movement:

Master calisthenics, capoeira attack and defenses, acrobatic movements, and movement connections. Also discover how to apply movements with a partner, how to apply movements in the “roda,” and how to freestyle.

Join our community and experience the joy, energy, and empowerment of capoeira today!