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Class For Kids:

Class for teens:

Class for Adults:

Consider this harsh reality:

Those who fail to move enough might be signing up for a fate that's 10 years shorter.

The pain of missed opportunities and diminished well-being awaits those who don't take action.

How can you avoid this fate? It's simple, yet crucial:

  • Don't exercise and continue to live a sedentary lifestyle.

  • Avoid being part of a community, missing out on the support and connections it brings.

  • Refuse the challenge to be better, settling for a stagnant and unfulfilling existence.

In the face of this impending pain, Capoeira stands as the key to a happier life. The choice is yours

Embrace change or brace yourself for the consequences.

Capoeira's five unique benefits:


Capoeira enhances physical fitness by incorporating a diverse range of movements, from dynamic kicks to acrobatics, which strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and boost cardiovascular endurance.


Capoeira fosters social cohesion and cultivates a sense of belonging within a community, nurturing supportive relationships that are integral to a successful journey of personal growth and development.


Capoeira, blending dance, martial arts, and music, promotes emotional well-being by encouraging mindfulness, self-expression, and resilience, helping individuals manage emotions like frustration and fear, while also providing a platform to confront and overcome personal barriers through its physical and mental challenges.


Capoeira serves as a cultural bridge, fostering diversity and understanding by embracing various traditions and histories, thereby encouraging individuals to connect with their roots and appreciate the richness of cultural heritage, ultimately paving the way for a more inclusive and enlightened future.


Capoeira connects us spiritually, letting us feel the energy around us, sync with the music and moment, and bond with ourselves, partners, community, and our past, creating profound and memorable experiences.

Did You Know You're Losing Muscle Mass and Coordination?

Join our “Adults Program” and save up to $269!

Time is running out! ⌛️