The Roda

How does Capoeira's game work?

Unlike other martial arts that focus on direct hits and blocks, Capoeira moves in circles. Instead of hitting each other, players dodge kicks, making it look more like a dance than a fight. This game happens to music and can be played in different ways. Sometimes it's slow, showing how well players can control their bodies and do tricks. Other times it's fast, with lots of kicks, jumps, and cool moves. The fighting can be easy to see or hidden. Capoeira can be playful, with pretend moves and tricks. It can also be like a challenge, where one player dares the other to do cool things, like in hip-hop dancing. Players might stay close to the ground, using their hands and feet to move like animals and strengthen their core. Or they might stand up and use their legs to kick and move gracefully.

Think of the game as a conversation, like asking and answering questions. Some games can be really complicated, but in Capoeira, you can also play using simple moves. The circle where the game happens, called the "roda," can be different depending on the school, style, and teacher. The game changes based on things like the rhythm of the music, the songs being sung, the energy of the players, and who's playing. It's both personal and social. This means everyone has their own way of playing, but Capoeira follows rules and traditions from African cultures. It's also influenced by the surroundings and different historical times. Capoeira reflects the past, but it's also about what's happening now.


Keep it simple at first and focus on one step at a time

The Game

Studying, fighting, collaborating, flowing, challenging, or solo, are ways of playing in the roda

In capoeira, games can take on many different states, and they can switch on a dime between one state and another. For this reason, capoeira can be beautiful, educational, and violent - sometimes all within the same game of 2 people.

Playing Capoeira means understanding these states and how to invoke them. Some groups specialize in one over the others, but ideally you want some competency in each.

Capoeira is a spontaneous game.

Players have the freedom to create a dialogue, especially with the attacks and counter-attacks. When capoeira was created, the slaves used all possible modes of attack. With time, capoeira and the moves that make up the game became more structured, but the possibilities remain infinite.

However, we must maintain respect for our partner’s safety at all times.


Resource: Intro Program Book created by M. Cabeção to assist students through the learning process and Youtube