Important: Exclusive Content for Our Students: Sharing is Prohibited. Any violation will result in an invitation to exit our Capoeira program.

Video Moves Guide

Intro Program

Welcome to the World of Capoeira: Discover Our Unique Teaching Methodology

Capoeira is both challenging and rewarding. Thank you for your dedication, patience, hard work, and trust. We are happy you joined our capoeira family! Your capoeira journey is just beginning, but you are ready for the next step.

Welcome to this beautiful community.

1. Our Programs

None of our students are under any obligation to progress through our program levels, but it's valuable to grasp our system to make an informed decision that aligns with your aspirations. Whether you intend capoeira to be a fulfilling hobby or a pathway to a more comprehensive lifestyle, we're here to provide guidance.

To ensure mutual relevance, we assess the congruence between your goals and our program. Your expectations should harmonize with ours for the establishment of a robust foundation, ultimately leaving a significant legacy for generations to come.

  • 3 months program length

    This program serves a dual purpose: to assist newcomers in grasping the fundamentals of capoeira and to aid advanced students in refining their foundational skills. Our core focus lies in the comprehensive development of the 4 capoeira fundamentals: The ginga, escapes, attacks, and acrobatics.


    1. Basic of the ginga

    2. 6 fundamental attacks

    3. 6 fundamental escapes

    4. The basics of how to play capoeira

    5. Improve physical capabilities, like strength, flexibility, balance, and beyond.

    After finish 3 months of our Intro Program you can join our Fundamental Program

  • This class is open to all students except children, with a minimum age requirement of 15 or an invitation extended by Mestre Cabeção.

    Once a week, we host a class that is dedicated to delving into the core of capoeira's game and traditions, enhancing our ability to engage effectively. This session centers on establishing connections, cultivating trust, sharpening perception, and comprehending the intricate nuances of the roda. We cover everything from initiation to conclusion, prioritizing your comfort and facilitating the evolution of your gameplay to the next level.

    We consolidate the week's teachings and demonstrate their application in a roda setting, tailored to foster a balanced perspective. The practice ranges from partner dynamics characterized by a light approach to gradually encompassing more intricate scenarios. This balanced progression accommodates all skill levels, fostering a harmonious environment that nurtures collective growth and mutual support.

  • CapoFit is an integral component of our introductory program, specifically designed to enhance your overall fitness levels and prepare you for mastering fundamental capoeira movements. By participating in this class, you will build strength, improve your balance, and enhance your agility, ensuring you're well-prepared to excel in techniques such as handstands, bridges, and kicks. This class aims to make you not only physically stronger but also more confident and comfortable in your movements.

  • Our program extends over the course of a year circles, with a minimum duration of three years before advancement to the next level.

    Upon completing your third month in the introductory program, you're eligible to transition to the fundamental program. This stage is dedicated to enriching and reinforcing your capoeira vocabulary, fostering the confidence necessary for you to engage in the roda with a sense of security and ease.

    The central focus of this level is to systematically construct and bolster your repertoire. This involves a concentrated effort, dedicating each month to the mastery of a specific technique. This meticulous approach ensures ample time for comprehensive skill acquisition.

    Furthermore, our curriculum places a strong emphasis on refining your conduct within the roda, encompassing an understanding of various scenarios and the intricate components that constitute the game. To achieve this, we've organized our teachings into yearly cycles, incorporating lessons and techniques spanning from the 1st to the 3rd belt levels.

    This method is meticulously designed to ensure that our students are thoroughly prepared and confident when they reach their 4th belt. By then, they will possess a formidable capoeira foundation, complemented by a diverse vocabulary.

    Upon completion of our Fundamental Program, you are eligible to enroll in our Advanced Program.

  • Join our class to learn exciting Capoeira acrobatics! Here's what to expect:

    1. Get Fit: You'll become more agile, strong, and flexible.

    2. Amazing Moves: Learn flips, spins, and kicks in the air.

    3. Blend with Capoeira: Discover how to mix acrobatics with Capoeira's unique movements.

    • Requirements •

    For Adults:

    1. Completion of the 3-month Intro Program

    2. Or invitation from Mestre Cabeção.

    For Teens:

    1. Invitation from Mestre Cabeção.

    For Kids under 12 years old:

    1. Minimum of 1 year of training with us

    2. Or invitation from Mestre Cabeção.

  • On a weekly basis, we provide a dedicated music class that focuses on cultivating various musical aspects within capoeira. This class encompasses the exploration of body rhythms, mastery of capoeira instruments, understanding diverse capoeira and Brazilian rhythms, learning songs, honing singing skills, and enhancing vocal abilities.

    Requirement for this class:

    1. Finished intro program (Adults) and started Fundamental Intro program

    2. Students can participate if signed up for extra fee

    3. Invited by Mestre Cabeção

  • Year long program length

    Following the completion of our fundamental program, the natural progression is to embark upon our Advanced Program. This program is dedicated to cultivating your distinct capoeira identity. Having established a strong foundation and gained a firm grasp of the fundamental principles that govern our capoeira roda, the time has come to delve into deeper elements.

    This phase involves an exploration of more intricate aspects, including the nuances of various lineages and styles. Furthermore, we delve into the distinctive style of our school, which has garnered inspiration from capoeiristas around the globe. This holistic approach not only refines your physical prowess but also enriches your understanding of capoeira's cultural and historical dimensions.

    Upon completion of our Advanced Program, you are eligible to enroll in our Teachers Program.

  • Following the successful completion of our Advanced Program, the next phase is our Teachers Program. This program is centered around enhancing your ability to share the art of capoeira within our community. It covers a range of essential elements, including class planning and organization, effective teaching methodologies, our unique systems, and business management strategies, among others.

    This program will run in conjunction with your progression through the subsequent belt levels, namely: Instrutor, Professor, Contra Mestre, and Mestre. This comprehensive approach ensures that you not only refine your capoeira skills but also acquire the necessary expertise to share your knowledge and passion effectively with others.



Program Details


The Intro Program:

3 months program length

This program serves a dual purpose: to assist newcomers in grasping the fundamentals of capoeira and to aid advanced students in refining their foundational skills. Our core focus lies in the comprehensive development of the 4 capoeira fundamentals: The ginga, escapes, attacks, and acrobatics.


  1. Basic of the ginga

  2. 6 fundamental attacks

  3. 6 fundamental escapes

  4. The basics of how to play capoeira

  5. Improve physical capabilities, like strength, flexibility, balance, and beyond.

After finish 3 months of our Intro Program you can join our Fundamental Program


Explore Capoeira's Benefits

  • Capoeira offers a wide range of benefits that can enhance various aspects of life and complement numerous activities.

    Here's a list of activities and how Capoeira can help:

    Running: Capoeira improves cardiovascular endurance, stamina, and agility, making you a better runner. Its rhythmic movements also enhance coordination.

    Weightlifting: Capoeira develops functional strength and flexibility, which can enhance weightlifting performance and reduce the risk of injuries.

    Martial Arts: Capoeira's acrobatic and defensive movements improve agility, reflexes, and spatial awareness, which are valuable in martial arts like Jiu-Jitsu, Karate, and Taekwondo.

    Dance: Capoeira is often referred to as a dance-fight. Its fluid and expressive movements can significantly enhance your dancing skills, particularly in styles like Salsa or Samba.

    Gymnastics: Capoeira incorporates elements of acrobatics, flips, and balance, making it a natural complement to gymnastics training.

    Music: Capoeira includes live music with traditional instruments like the berimbau and pandeiro. Learning to play these instruments can deepen your musical abilities.

    Sports: Capoeira's emphasis on agility, strength, and coordination can improve performance in sports such as soccer, basketball, and tennis.

    Competitions: Capoeira foster discipline, sportsmanship, and a sense of camaraderie, valuable qualities for competing in any sport.

    Work: Capoeira teaches discipline, focus, and time management, which can translate into improved productivity and effectiveness at work.

    Parenting: Capoeira instills patience, discipline, and leadership skills, which can help parents in raising and guiding their children.

    Stress Reduction: Capoeira's rhythmic movements and music can reduce stress, promote relaxation, and enhance mental well-being.

    Cultural Appreciation: Learning Capoeira exposes you to Brazilian culture, fostering a greater appreciation for diversity and world cultures.

    Confidence and Self-esteem: Capoeira encourages self-expression and boosts self-confidence, which can positively impact all areas of life.

    Social Interaction: Capoeira is often practiced in groups, creating a supportive community that can combat loneliness and improve social skills.

    Fitness and Health: Capoeira provides a full-body workout, promoting physical fitness and overall health. It can help in weight management, improve posture, and increase flexibility.

    Problem Solving: Capoeira involves adapting to your opponent's movements and finding creative solutions, enhancing problem-solving skills.

    In summary, Capoeira is not just a martial art; it's a holistic practice that can positively influence various aspects of life, from physical fitness and mental well-being to personal and professional development. It's a versatile and enriching activity that can help individuals lead healthier, more balanced lives while enhancing their performance in other pursuits.

2. Capoeira Belts and our school REQUIREMENTS

  • For many centuries, capoeira had no ranking system. However, Mestre Bimba, whose contributions to capoeira we will explore further later on, inaugurated the first official capoeira school in the mid-1900s and established the inaugural ranking system. In our school, the belt system draws inspiration from the colors of the Brazilian flag.We use the colors green, yellow, blue, and white for our belts.

  • What is a Capoeira Batizado?

    A batizado is a graduation ceremony during which new students are bestowed with their first capoeira cordão, earned through interactions with visiting masters. This ceremony represents a baptism into the captivating world of capoeira, marking an official induction into the art form. It is a thrilling milestone in a capoeirista's voyage.

    The batizado is customarily commemorated with an entire weekend of festivities, featuring guest instructors and participants from other capoeira groups. This event allows students to immerse themselves in diverse aspects of capoeira and Brazilian culture while forging new friendships.

    Students engage in capoeira matches with guest teachers and receive their fresh capoeira belts. The batizado serves as a special celebration for the capoeira community, serving as a rewarding culmination of a year's hard work and dedication!

  • We organize a variety of events at our schools, with a special focus on our annual belt ceremony, which is one of our most significant gatherings. Please find below a list of our key events:

    Vadeia Miami - Annual Capoeira Conference:

    Every year, we eagerly anticipate the arrival of March, when we host our spectacular week-long event, "Vadeia Miami." This gathering is a vibrant celebration of capoeira, where we welcome renowned capoeira professionals, masters, and influential figures from the current capoeira scene. Throughout the week, they generously share their unparalleled expertise, energy, and passion with us. The event features enriching workshops, electrifying capoeira games, and an abundance of camaraderie. A highlight of the weekend is the Batizado ceremony, a momentous occasion when our students receive their well-deserved belts or advance to higher ones, marking their growth within the capoeira community.

    Capoeira Retreat - A Journey of Connection:

    In addition to our annual event, we host an intimate capoeira retreat exclusively for members of our capoeira school. This retreat provides a unique opportunity for our students to travel together, deepening their bonds while immersing themselves in the world of capoeira. We invite a special guest to join us during this private escape, fostering an environment where students can build stronger relationships with each other. It's a time for shared learning, growth, and unforgettable memories.

    Small Capoeira Workshops:

    Throughout the year, we offer a series of focused small workshops, each lasting 2 to 3 hours and featuring a distinguished guest instructor. These workshops serve as a platform to connect with fellow capoeiristas from different schools, teachers, and students. The classes culminate in a captivating roda, reinforcing the spirit of camaraderie and collaboration while elevating our capoeira skills.

    Outside Rodas - Bringing Capoeira to the Community:

    Beyond our regular capoeira schedule, we extend our passion for capoeira to the community through monthly outdoor rodas. These events serve a dual purpose: introducing capoeira to our local community and providing our students with more opportunities to engage in spirited capoeira matches. With five outside events annually, we embrace the joy of sharing capoeira beyond our training space.

    Supporting Capoeira Events and Competitions - Fostering Unity:

    Our commitment to capoeira extends beyond our school as we actively participate in and support other capoeira events and competitions. By doing so, we contribute to the growth of a strong and vibrant capoeira community. These experiences also keep our students sharp and ready for capoeira challenges, continuously enhancing their skills and enthusiasm for this dynamic art form.


    Additionally, we arrange informal get-togethers where we gather to enjoy both capoeira and each other's company without any formal structure. These moments provide us with the opportunity to eat together at local restaurants, relax at the beach, embark on group travels, and even cook and share meals. These activities are all part of our efforts to strengthen the bonds within our students and cultivate meaningful relationships beyond the roda.

  • This page include a series of videos that students must watch and practice. It is a necessary step in the journey of learning capoeira in our schools and speeding up the process. Each video teaches important techniques, principles, and theories needed to become a master at this level. By studying these videos carefully, students can improve their skills, strengthen their basics, and gain a better understanding of the art. This process not only improves their physical abilities but also their mindset, discipline, and dedication to the art. Watching each video is vital for students to grow, progress, and prove that they are ready for the green belt.

  • Our requirements are not intended to burden our students with the pressure of mastering everything at once. Instead, they serve as a roadmap to guide their capoeira journey and provide a framework for their progress. These requirements are crucial because they help students gauge their own growth and development within our capoeira program. By offering a clear path, we encourage them to set achievable goals, celebrate their accomplishments, and continually strive for improvement, fostering a positive and supportive learning environment.

    The learning process will be based on:

    1. Time and consistency of training 

    2. Movement improvement

    3. Posture and behavior

    4. Game skills development 

    5. Music skills development 

    6. Understanding of capoeira ritual

    7. Physical and mental fitness level

    8. Participation in events outside class

    9. Culture and language understanding 

    10. Teacher skills development 

    11. Student involvement and investment in our school and our community 


Learn more requirement there:


The first capoeira belt, often represented by the green cord, carries profound significance as it marks the beginning of a capoeirista's journey. It symbolizes the initial step towards mastery, signifying the entrance into the world of capoeira where one embarks on a path of continuous learning, discipline, and growth.

New students commence their journey without a belt. Upon achieving their first belt, typically the green one, they earn the title of "capoeirista."

3. Capoeira Mastery: Video Lessons:

Discover how our training can help you improve in the following areas:

  • Strength Training

  • Flexibility and Mobility Training

  • Physical Resistance Training

  • Stability and Balance Training

  • Movement Control Training

  • Agility Training

  • Power Training

  • Speed Training

Check out below

Basic Exercises Tips and Techniques:

Check our video of our warm up in class:

Moves techniques

The purpose of these videos is to support you in your learning process, in case you need or want to revisit the techniques we have learned in class.

Important: Exclusive Content for Our Students: Sharing is Prohibited. Any violation will result in an invitation to exit our Capoeira program.

Learn the songs from class

Extra bonus

Intro Program Online Classes Access

Advance through a well-organized system that will build all the

skills you need to play capoeira.

Intro Program • Fundamental Program • Intermediate Program • Advanced Program

Important: Exclusive Content for Our Students: Sharing is Prohibited. Any violation will result in an invitation to exit our Capoeira program.

4. Uniform rules

The importance of representation and organization.

Our uniform is a fundamental part of our capoeira identity. It's a requirement for official rodas, events, performances, and shows where we proudly showcase our school. When attending batizados hosted by other schools, we wear our signature white pants and matching shirts.

The Saturday's class, I encourage our students to begin wearing our official uniform. While the uniform is more flexible in other classes, I appreciate it if everyone invests in their capoeira clothes. By doing so, we not only represent our art but also promote capoeira to those who observe our practice.

Feel free to explore our store for uniform options, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Let's come together to celebrate and embody the spirit of capoeira


Maintaining personal hygiene and ensuring that your uniform is clean and in good condition is essential. Please make an effort to come to class in a clean and well-kept uniform, as it not only reflects your respect for our art but also contributes to a more enjoyable and hygienic training environment for everyone


5. Students store

Welcome to my Capoeira Store!




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Julio Arruda dos Santos,


I embarked on my capoeira journey in 1996 in my hometown of São Paulo, Brazil. From the first class, I fell head over heels for this captivating art form that seamlessly blends martial arts, dance, music, acrobatics, culture, and community. At the time, I was happy to simply train with friends and find joy in playing capoeira. But soon capoeira became more than just a hobby, and I experienced the first inklings that capoeira would eventually become my profession.


I began teaching and performing capoeira at a young age. In 2007, I took a significant step in my capoeira journey by traveling beyond the borders of Brazil. My first destination was Mexico, where I spent five enriching months sharing the magic of capoeira throughout the country. I then received an invitation to Paris, where I made my home for nearly four years, continuing to spread the capoeira spirit across Europe and even reaching some North African nations.


In 2012, I relocated to the United States, dedicating myself to the practice and promotion of capoeira. By 2018, I found my way to Miami and integrated myself swiftly into the city's capoeira scene. In 2019, I founded Evolve Miami Team, an initiative aimed at nurturing and spreading the roots of capoeira in South Florida.


In 2022, I realized a long-held dream and opened my first capoeira academy, located in North Miami. Every day I work to create a vibrant and close-knit community while promoting a healthier and more enriching lifestyle for everyone who enters the studio, both children and adults. With almost three decades of capoeira experience under my belt, I feel privileged to help people live better lives through capoeira.




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João Ricardo Patriota da Silva, known today as Mestre Coruja, started capoeira in 1995 under the guidance of Mestre Xavier. Just a year after earning his first belt, he decided to share the art of capoeira and began teaching at a community center in the São Paulo neighborhood Mangalot. A group of enthusiastic children (including me, Mestre Cabeção) began their training under his guidance. Over time, capoeira came to hold a place of immense importance in our lives and in the life of the community.


The Mangalot community center was a branch of the larger Cordão de Ouro capoeira school, which was founded in 1967 by Mestre Suassuna and Mestre Brasília. In 1999, Mestre Coruja began training directly at Mestre Suassuna's academy, exposing us to a whole new level of capoeira. We had the privilege of training alongside luminaries from our school, such as Mestres Sampaio, Durinho, Tourinho, Cicero, Virgulino, Panão, Kibe, Boca Rica, Dennis, Muriel, and others. We also engaged in the roda with legendary capoeiristas like Dr. Decânio, Joe, Natanael, Brasília, João Grande, Acordeon, Jogo de Dentro, and many more. Gradually, we became an integral part of this community of outstanding capoeiristas. We played a pivotal role in the transformation of capoeira from a more aggressive form to a playful and expressive art, which helped propel capoeira onto the global stage.


Mestre Suassuna's academy in São Paulo became a renowned destination for capoeiristas worldwide. We contributed to this capoeira revolution by absorbing his teachings and innovating our movements. While preserving tradition, we evolved capoeira into a dynamic and exciting form of self-expression, using precise body movements, low-to-the-ground maneuvers, and high-flying aerial acrobatics to create a mesmerizing flow.


In 2006, we proudly inaugurated our first dedicated capoeira studio in our neighborhood, Mangalot, and quickly gained recognition in the capoeira community and beyond for nurturing budding capoeirista talents. Around the same time, we established our first academy in Mexico. Today, Mestre Coruja boasts an impressive list of accomplishments and holds a significant position in the contemporary capoeira world, with over 30 "formados" and branches in various Brazilian states, Mexico, Trinidad, Europe, and the USA. Under his guidance, nine mestres continue to pursue the dream that began in 1995.


Now, we are transitioning from Cordão de Ouro to become Mangalot Capoeira Schools, paying homage to our roots. In 2025, we will host a spectacular event in Brazil to officially launch Mangalot Capoeira Schools. The event will bring together students and teachers from different locations, including Mexico and Miami, and will feature a special "formatura" ceremony for the next generation of professores and mestres.


As for me, Mestre Cabeção, I embarked on my capoeira journey alongside Mestre Coruja in 1996. We formed an unbreakable bond at that community center in Mangalot; over time we evolved into a close-knit family, and our family continues to expand. Nearly 30 years later, I am immensely proud to be a part of his school and the incredible legacy that we are building together.